Really, at this point if you want to secure your Mac you ought to disable Java in the browser (if you use it at all–unfortunately Adobe CS suite still requires it) and make sure you’re running the latest Adobe Flash plugins. This helpful article in Slate explains the steps in disabling the Java browser plugin (the dangerous vector for the current Java-targeting malware).
To unplug Java:
- In Firefox, select “Tools” from the main menu, then “Add-ons,” then click the “Disable” button next to any Java plug-ins.
- In Safari, click “Safari” in the main menu bar, then “Preferences,” then select the “Security” tab and uncheck the button next to “Enable Java.”
- In Chrome, type or copy “Chrome://Plugins” into your browser’s address bar, then click the “Disable” button below any Java plug-ins.
Disabling the browser plugin will still allow you to run Adobe CS, but will shut down the ability to get infected by visiting a website.
Might I also recommend AdBlock Plus add on to Firefox to keep Flash from running automatically?
Also everyone please run security updates from Software Update. Recommend going under Apple Menu/Software Update and checking for updates now.